Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Here We Grow Again!"

     As you may be aware, things in our house have been a beautiful kind of chaos, with three little foster babes running around the house. Right as we thought we'd start stressing about permanency planning for our three littles, God decided to bless us beyond our wildest imagination! We're adding another little bundle of joy to our growing family, and this one is our very own! Our little surprise is 8 weeks and the size of a raspberry, and will be joining us at the end of October or early November of this year. What a blessing!

A little light and humorous reading for that sweet hubby of mine

     We are so beyond excited to have this absolute miracle. It is hard to wrap my head around the reality, after having previously adjusted to the fact that we would never have biological children.... or so we thought. However, we fully trust in an all-knowing God, who also happens to have a perfect plan for our lives. His timing is impeccable, and for that we praise Him.

     We found out Monday by surprise after getting some blood test results back about an infection I'm currently fighting, and went back and forth about when to announce. I was considering waiting until around weeks 16-18, but dear husband couldn't wait and announced it on his Facebook the other day, so it's time we catch everyone up on the good news. We are still debating on whether to find out the gender or wait until the birth though, so we'll see how that goes as my pregnancy progresses. Please pray for dear husband as he pulls back out all the nursery furniture we took down and put away in the attic just last month. Haha! Let 7 months of nesting begin!

"He gives children to the woman who has none 
and makes her a happy mother."