Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DIY Sewing Adventure #1 - Glider Cover

     The last time I was behind a sewing machine was in the 6th grade. WOW! I'm feeling a little old right now. So, I brought the glider from Madre's house, the one that was in my nursery way back when, to our house to use in the kids' room. The original cover was a bit stretched out and had only a couple stains and dried glitter glue on it, not bad considering it had 12 years of hard use through 5 kids before it retired to the basement. It was time to retire the old red cover, but buying a new cover to fit was impossible, so it was time to pull out the sewing machine and get to work. I went to my local fabric shop and picked out a printed number that fit the brightly colored jungle theme I was aiming for.

     It wasn't perfect the first time around, the second, or even the third, but, after a couple hours, Madre and I had it done. Needless to say, I love the results!

                                                    The Original

                                                    The New Cover

Hats off to the Canadian furniture company that made this sturdy beast of a glider! Old, but still kickin'. We definitely love it. And, just in case you were wondering, yes, that is a Kraft Macaroni and Cheese colored accent wall. I just about had a heart attack when I realized what color it was drying, but, now that we have other bright colors in the room, it works... and we love it!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bring It On....

Well, I had some wonderful Christmas posts ready about the love of the season, Christmas holiday, and preparing the way for a child- but, alas, I was serverely distracted by my family, enjoying every minute I was able to spend with them, and it is now too late to submit those posts. I'll save them for next year!

As I write this I sit about to begin the Introduction to Social Work course at my university, considering also signing up for the Child Welfare course, even though it would be in addition to the credits I need to graduate this spring. However, I feel it may offer DH and I invaluable insight and understanding towards this journey upon which we are about to embark.

Tomorrow, I am taking my quilt to a local sewing group to get assistance in working on it for use by the kids. I'll be sure to have pictures coming soon. Keep your eyes open!